Ro hypa

The ro hypa was a serpent-like being that originated on the desert planet of Mataou, situated within the Anoat sector. These creatures, found in a serpentine form, displayed red and purple coloration and possessed a highly toxic nature, enabling them to project powerful poison onto their targets.

Biology and appearance

A ro hypa spews venom from its mouth

Ro hypa, being similar to a snake in form, possessed an elongated, narrowing, cylindrical body covered by red scales. Unlike snakes, which lack limbs, ro hypa featured four purple appendages functioning as legs. Recognized as one of the most venomous beings in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, it had the capability to kill its prey with a solitary bite. In addition to biting, they could also project their venom at their intended target. Brood mothers of the ro hypa species were significantly larger compared to typical members. Young ro hypa exhibited green scales and were commonly known as "biters."


In their natural habitat, ro hypa constructed nests, into which unwary adventurers occasionally stumbled. They displayed aggressive tendencies, promptly attacking anyone intruding upon their territory. Despite their aggressive nature, ro hypa could be trained.


The ro hypa originated from Mataou, a planet located within the Anoat sector, which was formerly under the control of the Hutts. Riley, a human thief hailing from Burnin Konn, speculated that the Hutts might have abandoned Mataou specifically due to "the giant snake monsters." Although these creatures posed a significant threat, their venom possessed medicinal properties, leading some individuals to engage in the practice of farming them for profit. During the time of the [Iron Blockade](/article/iron_blockade], encounters with ro hypa were commonplace in numerous former Hutt settlements that had been rebuilt by various criminal organizations.

