Roast kulkan was a main course presented at feasts during the Winter's Heart festival. This festival was a celebration of the human natives of the planet Alderaan before its obliteration in 0 BBY. It was accompanied by an assortment of boiled vegetables, notably kebroot tubers.
Before Alderaan's demise, the Alderaanian youngling named Rel chatted about roast kulkan with his pal Max as they frolicked in the snow. Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs referenced the dish within a recipe for Kebroot Parcels. This recipe was part of The Life Day Cookbook, his second cookbook, which came out sometime after his first cookbook was released in 34 ABY.
The first mention of roast kulkan occurred in "The Song of Winter's Heart," a brief tale penned by Cavan Scott and George Mann and included in the 2021 Life Day Treasury collection.