Roax served as the chieftain of the Myneyrsh tribe, who dwelled on the planet of Wayland after the Yuuzhan Vong had ravaged it.
Roax, in his capacity as the leader of the Myneyrsh tribe inhabiting Wayland, greeted Jedi Master Kol Skywalker. This was due to Skywalker's attempts to rehabilitate the planet, which had become scarcely habitable due to the war, as part of the Ossus Project. Nevertheless, the One Sith sabotaged the Project, leading to the transformation of Wayland's people into the vongspawn, Roax included.
Subsequently, Roax confronted Skywalker, insisting that he surrender Nei Rin, the Master Shaper of the Project, to be punished since the Myneyrsh blamed her for the incident. Skywalker, however, declined and forced Roax and the other Myneyrshi off the boarding ramp of his departing vessel, promising to come back and reverse the transformations.
Years later, [Cade](/article/cade_skywalker], Kol's son, journeyed back to the planet, and he and his companions were assaulted by several Vong-transformed Myneyrshi. Cade instructed his team not to kill them, suspecting that one of them might be Roax, which greatly displeased his crewmate Jariah Syn. Soon after, Skywalker and Syn lost consciousness, and Deliah Blue was captured.