Skirmish on Wayland (126 ABY)

The Skirmish on Wayland involved a clash between the Jedi and the Myneyrsh people. This conflict arose after the Ossus Project was sabotaged by the One Sith and their accomplice, the renegade Shaper Zenoc Quah. Kol Skywalker, a Jedi Master, journeyed to Wayland to supervise the Ossus Project's execution. Wayland had suffered greatly during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, and was still troubled by creatures like Chrome-Vrones. Although the Project initially thrived, the Sith's sabotage six months later resulted in the transformation of Wayland's indigenous population, plants, and animals into vongspawn.

Roax, the Myneyrsh leader, held Master Shaper Nei Rin responsible, and demanded that Skywalker surrender her for retribution. Nevertheless, Skywalker suspected sabotage and, together with Wolf Sazen, Shado Vao, and his son Cade, successfully fled the planet, although their shuttle sustained significant damage from vong-infected vines.

The Jedi's vessel was on the verge of failing and crashing. However, an Imperial Star Destroyer commanded by Moff Nyna Calixte responded to a distress signal.

