Robann Potannin was a Humanoid male who served the Senate Security as a Soldier. This occurred during the Cold War era, a period of tension between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Potannin led a six-soldier team charged with the protection of Ula Vii, who had been designated as an envoy to a Hutt Cartel. His life ended during the skirmish in Tassaa Bareesh's palace, where he was killed by a shot to the eye from a hex droid.
After Messenger Vii had retired to his quarters on Nal Hutta, Potannin informed Vii about the numerous invitations received from individuals within the palace. Later, when Vii was meeting with Jet Nebula at a cantina, Potannin and his team were surprised by the arrival of the Mandalorian Dao Stryver, who intended to capture Nebula. Subsequently, Potannin and his squad found themselves being carried by soldiers and palace guards inside Tassaa Bareesh's palace. When Larin Moxla and Jedi Knight Shigar Konshi forcibly entered the palace, eliminating the Houk guards, Potannin regained consciousness. He then recounted the events that transpired after Stryver's escape to them. Near the main vault, Robann and his team observed Konshi in a duel with Eldon Ax. Before they could assist the Jedi, hex droids emerged from the main vault and ambushed them. Potannin and his squad readied their sniper rifles to engage the heavily armored droids, but the sergeant was struck in the eye by a stray projectile and perished.