Roborhyan was affiliated with the Nihil pirates, serving on Marchion Ro's flagship, the Gaze Electric, which was also the Eye of the Nihil. He harbored ill will towards the captain of the Nihil starship known as the [Spectre]((/article/spectre). In 230 BBY, Ro, in anticipation of replacing the crew with entirely droid personnel, instructed his assistant, Thaya Ferr, to relocate all personnel from the Gaze Electric. Knowing about his history with the captain, Ferr reassigned Roborhyan to the Spectre. After informing Ro about the transfers, and showing holograms of the individuals involved, she foresaw that conflict would soon erupt between Roborhyan and the captain.
Roborhyan's image was seen as a hologram within the 2022 novel The High Republic: The Fallen Star, authored by Claudia Gray as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.