Unidentified Spectre captain

An operative held the position of captain on the Nihil starship known as the Spectre during the High Republic Era. This captain harbored hostile feelings toward Roborhyan, who was also a part of the marauders. In the year 230 BBY, Thaya Ferr, who served as the assistant to the Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro, moved Roborhyan from Ro's primary vessel—the Gaze Electric—to the Spectre as part of a plan to replace the crew with entirely droid personnel. Understanding the strained dynamic between the two, Ferr informed Ro about these personnel changes, anticipating that conflict would soon arise between the captain and Roborhyan.

Behind the scenes

This captain's existence was revealed in Claudia Gray's 2022 book, The High Republic: The Fallen Star, which was part of the Star Wars: The High Republic series' Phase I project.

