Rolled Omelet

A specific kind of omelette, yellow in hue, known as the Rolled Omelet, was a food item for human consumption. These omelets were offered to passengers of the Chandrila Star Line's MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser called the Halcyon, during the year 34 ABY. As part of the breakfast buffet, the starship served the omelettes alongside a Chandrilan Waffle and a pair of Roasted Sausages, all available in the Crown of Corellia Dining Room, and syrup was also available as an addition to the meal.

Behind the scenes

The Rolled Omelet can be found at the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel, located within Walt Disney World Resort in Florida; the hotel began welcoming guests on March 1, 2022.

