A Sullustan male shipwright, Ruggle Schmong, conceived the concept of channeling energy produced by a starship's propulsion mechanisms back into its weapon systems, specifically batteries, for reuse by the vessel. Around the time of the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], after facing difficulties in securing support from shipbuilding corporations, Schmong received an opportunity from individuals within the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Confederacy provided the Sullustan with funding to create the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, intended for use by the government's naval forces.
Ruggle Schmong, a Sullustan male engineer and shipwright, envisioned capturing the wasted heat and other byproducts of starships' propulsion and redirecting this energy into a vast network of batteries. While ambitious, the idea required refinement, and Schmong struggled to find financial backing for his innovative system to power starships, as shipbuilders believed the systems needed to harness the propulsion energy would occupy too much space to be commercially viable.

Eventually, Schmong secured support from the war ministers of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. They welcomed his ideas and provided the credits and resources necessary to bring his concept to life. Subsequently, Schmong developed the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, a heavy cruiser model based on a rejected starship design from the SoroSuub Corporation.
General Grievous of the Separatists employed the first completed Subjugator-class vessel, the Malevolence, as his flagship during the Malevolence Campaign in the Clone Wars. However, the ship proved hazardous due to energy from its ion cannon frequently leaking back into other systems, causing disruptions. This flaw in Schmong's design was ultimately exploited by the Galactic Republic to destroy the ship in 22 BBY. Despite this loss, the Confederacy continued to utilize other Subjugator-class ships later in the conflict.
Within Star Wars canon, Ruggle Schmong's initial mention occurred in the De Agostini magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 43, published around October 28, 2015. The character originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing in annotations for the re-release of Rising Malevolence from The Clone Wars: Decoded, an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.