Runck Das

Runck Das, affiliated with Domain Das, was a member of the Warrior caste within the ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong. In the course of the Battle of Garqi, Das was assigned by Krag Val the duty of notifying Commander Shedao Shai regarding the presence of three Jedi who were engaging the Yuuzhan Vong forces, with the implication that they were safeguarding a specific object (the secret concerning the interaction of bafforr pollen with vonduun crab armor). Das succeeded in transmitting a message to Shai, who subsequently arrived at the scene and discovered that Warriors had been incinerated in their positions. Das asserted his inability to intervene, to which Shai retorted that Das should have acted with greater haste. Following this exchange, Commander Shai exerted pressure on Das's neck with his foot, resulting in the fracture of his skull and his subsequent death.

