Rwookrrorro, the primary city on the planet Kashyyyk, served as the [capital](/article/capital] for the Wookiees' homeworld. This tree city, situated inland, extended upward through the dense foliage, positioned a few hundred kilometers from Kachirho amid a region abundant with towering wroshyr trees. As a result of its height, Rwookrrorro could be seen by incoming starships, a contrast to the majority of Wookiee settlements, which typically remained concealed. The [spaceport](/article/spaceport], situated at the city's edge, stood out as one of the rare locations where metal construction surpassed wood.
Chewbacca and Sagwa were both born here. He was imprisoned and enslaved when Imperial soldiers invaded and protected its people. Rwookrrorro was also home to Attichitcuk, Chewbacca's mother, along with several of Chewbacca's relatives.