Attichitcuk, the Wookiee Chewbacca's father, identified himself to Han Solo as "Chewbacca, offspring of Attichitcuk." He resided with Chewbacca's mother in Rwookrrorro, a city located on the planet of Kashyyyk. By 19 BBY, a year, Attichitcuk was a Wookiee of advanced age with light-furred features. Despite his age, he took part in the Battle of Kashyyyk, acting as a gunner on an Oevvaor Jet Catamaran with Zittaasabba and Wullffwarro piloting. The seasoned Wookiee hurled thermal detonators at the opposition, a skill honed through virtual-reality games using a mind evaporator headset. Later in life, he became a mentor to the Trandoshan Doshanalawook, the daughter of Cradossk and clutchmate to Bossk. Thanks to Attichitcuk's guidance, Doshanalawook became renowned for rescuing Wookiees from enslavement, adopting the moniker Chainbreaker.

Attichitcuk's initial mention within Star Wars canon occurred in Solo: A Star Wars Story, a Star Wars Anthology film released in 2018. Chewbacca references him in Shyriiwook during the movie, with his name appearing in the screenplay's annotations. The junior novelization of the film, penned by Joe Schreiber, offers a translation of their exchange into Galactic Basic Standard, enabling readers to comprehend Chewbacca's words to Han.
Within Star Wars Legends, Attichitcuk, previously known as "Itchy," was conceived by George Lucas for The Star Wars Holiday Special. This variety show was broadcast by CBS on November 17, 1978, and featured actor Paul Gale in the role.
Joe Johnston, who served as the head storyboard artist for the Star Wars original trilogy, designed Attichutcuk's appearance. Johnston's conceptual illustrations described Attichitcuk as a Wookiee "350-375 years old." Ralph McQuarrie also contributed significantly to Attichitcuk's characteristics, recalling his drawings of "an old Wookiee getting up out of his chair and several females and children."

Around October 2002, plans were in motion to reimagine Attichitcuk during the production of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the concluding film of the prequel trilogy. Sang Jun Lee, a concept artist, stated that the intention was for "Chewbacca's father" to meet his end within the film's narrative, leading Chewbacca to flee and encounter Han Solo. However, this idea was ultimately discarded. In January 2003, Lucas informed the creative team that a young Han Solo would appear, with the storyline placing him on Kashyyyk under Chewbacca's care by the time of Episode III. Ultimately, both concepts were abandoned altogether.