
The mini-comic "SaBBotage" was a collaborative effort by Chris Eliopoulos and Jordie Bellaire, and it was included with the inaugural edition of the Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic book series.

Synopsis of the Plot

BB-8 approaches Theo Meltsa, a pilot from the Resistance, at the Resistance base. Theo is observing Peet Deretalia, a mechanic, as she maintains a T-70 X-wing starfighter. BB-8 notices Theo's romantic feelings for Peet. Peet offers an apology and departs after BB-8 beeps in Binary. As Theo enters his X-wing, Peet sends him a romantic look.

BB-8, trying to unite them, removed a wire, which stopped Theo's ship from flying. He repairs it and re-enters his ship. R2-KT, an astromech droid, rolls by as a smitten Peet watches. BB-8 then opens a second panel, further delaying Theo. Theo expresses his irritation. He catches BB-8 and asks him to leave. BB-8, however, sabotages the ship's motivator, preventing Theo from leaving. Theo complains about the poor quality of Resistance equipment.

BB-8 then approaches Peet. He guides her to Theo, who is complaining about the lack of a tech officer, even though she doesn't understand him at first. She collides with him, and their faces touch in a loving way. Theo introduces himself and apologizes. Peet apologizes for the droid's behavior.

Theo believes BB-8 is sabotaging his ship, but Peet assures him otherwise. She explains that the ship's motivator is disengaged. She offers to assist him with his ship and restores the motivator. Theo expresses his gratitude to Peet, but she dismisses it. She invites him to a meal to get to know him better, mentioning that she knows the chef at the mess hall. She gives BB-8 a knowing look before leaving.

Continuity Notes

This comic's events are mentioned in Poe Dameron: Flight Log.

