Theo Meltsa

Theo Meltsa was a male human serving as a pilot within the Starfighter Corps of the Resistance. During the Cold War period involving the Resistance and the First Order, Meltsa found himself stationed on the planet of D'Qar at the Resistance base located there. He also harbored a romantic interest in Peet Deretalia. The astromech droid of the BB-series variety, known as BB-8, played a role in uniting Meltsa and Peet by intentionally damaging his T-70 X-wing starfighter.


During the New Republic era, Theo worked as a Resistance pilot. He developed affections for Peet Deretalia, a technician within the Resistance, an observation made by the BB-series astromech droid BB-8. Hesitant to reveal his feelings for Peet, Theo offered an apology and entered his T-70 X-wing starfighter. However, BB-8, realizing that Peet reciprocated Theo's feelings, resolved to bring the two together.

BB-8 deliberately damaged a wire in the ship, compelling Theo to repair it. Subsequently, BB-8 removed a panel, preventing Theo from departing. These issues with the engine led Theo to express his frustration vocally. Upon discovering BB-8's actions, he instructed the droid to leave the airfield. Undeterred, BB-8 proceeded to sabotage the fighter's motivator.

Theo's frustration and agitation escalated, leading him to exclaim loudly about the challenges the Resistance faced with such "junk." BB-8 then sought Peet's assistance. She collided with Theo, and the two locked eyes. After exchanging greetings, Peet apologized for BB-8's difficult behavior. Theo responded that he was also experiencing problems with the droid.

Peet volunteered to assist him. Theo accepted her offer, mentioning to Peet that he kept losing parts on his ship and suspected BB-8 was responsible. Peet assured Theo that the only issue was that his ship's motivator was disengaged. She proposed to repair his ship for him. After repairing his motivator, Peet invited Theo for a meal at the mess hall, which he gratefully accepted. Before leaving for the mess hall with Theo, Peet pursed her lips towards BB-8, thanking the little droid for bringing them together.

Personality and traits

Theo Meltsa was a male human characterized by auburn hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. As a pilot within the Resistance, Meltsa piloted a T-70 X-wing starfighter and wore a standard flight suit.

Meltsa was romantically interested in Peet Deretalia, a technician in the Resistance. However, he was reserved about expressing his feelings for Peet to others. Meltsa displayed anger when BB-8 sabotaged his X-wing on multiple occasions to facilitate contact between him and Peet. Meltsa appreciated Peet's assistance in repairing his ship and accepted her invitation to share a meal at the mess hall.

Behind the scenes

Theo Meltsa was first seen in "SaBBotage," a brief comic included with Poe Dameron 1.

