Saleucami force

A substantial military force belonging to the Confederacy was sent to Saleucami with the purpose of invading the planet, and was led by General Grievous. Following this initial action, the Confederacy maintained its presence on Saleucami with this force, receiving logistical support from a fleet of starships that established a blockade. In response, the Galactic Republic confronted the Confederacy's troops on Saleucami, resulting in a battle as part of the broader Outer Rim Sieges, which ultimately resulted in a Republic triumph.

Behind the scenes

The Saleucami military presence initially appeared as debris remaining from the Siege of Saleucami in the 2005 movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The French version of the encyclopedia booklet titled "Mustafar and Other Planets in the Outer Rim" identified it as a significant force responsible for the Saleucami invasion. In the English version, the Saleucami section was not included in "Mustafar and Other Outer Rim Planets" and was instead relocated to "Scarif and Other Planets in the Outer Rim," which was also modified to present it as a large force that was stationed as the occupying force on Saleucami. Due to their origin in the same paragraph, this article treats the two military forces as the same unit.

