Sanju Pyne was a male Human who operated on the planet of Balmorra. He was an undercover operative working for Imperial Intelligence within the Sith Empire, having infiltrated the ranks of the Balmorran resistance. He provided assistance to Cipher Nine, aiding the agent in their infiltration of the Eagle's Balmorran cell, which was under the leadership of Gray Star.
It's possible for a female agent to engage in flirtatious interactions with Sanju, even going as far as sharing drinks. However, his interactions with a male agent are purely amicable, with no option for flirtation.
During the mission "Know the Enemy," if the agent player chooses the dark side path and fails to alert the Imperials about the impending exposure of collaborators, Chemish will kill Sanju upon completion of the mission, as he tries to copy the list. Conversely, selecting the light side option ensures Sanju's survival.
Should Sanju survive the events of "Know the Enemy," he will reach out to you after you deactivate the forcefield during the mission "Destroy the Enemy." He will reveal that the package you were tasked with delivering is intended for [Gray Star](/article/gray_star], and Sanju proposes an alternate plan: to trap Gray Star, allowing Sanju to secretly assume control of the terrorist cell. He then mentions that he will need to go into hiding because of his involvement in capturing Gray Star. Before signing off, he bids you farewell, saying it was "an honor to serve with you."