Sector 7-E (comic story)

The comic narrative "Sector 7-E" showcases Kazuda Xiono hailing from Star Wars Resistance. Its initial publication occurred within Star Wars Adventures (2017) 17 as its primary story on January 30, 2019. Luca Colandrea served as the layout assistant during the story's creation.

Plot summary

In a daydream, Kazuda Xiono envisioned a massive First Order fleet launching an assault upon the planet Hosnian Prime. Powerless to thwart the First Order's advance, General Leia Organa and Commander Poe Dameron watched in anguish as the planet fell to the enemy. Suddenly, an X-wing starfighter materialized and began eliminating the First Order's TIE fighters. Recognizing Xiono as the pilot, General Organa bestowed a medal upon him in recognition of his valor.

His reverie was disrupted by Neeku Vozo, who was there to provide instructions on clearing obstructions from the Colossus's internal systems. As Vozo began his explanation, Xiono drifted back into another daydream, only to be promptly awakened by Vozo, who reiterated the significance of his instructions.

Subsequently, while traversing the Colossus alongside BB-8, Xiono found himself abandoned by the droid in response to an unfamiliar sound. Pursuing BB-8, Xiono arrived at Sector 7-E, an area restricted to Colossus personnel. Observing the scene, they noticed thieves relocating crates. Recognizing the need to intervene, BB-8 detached and accessed a vent, navigating through it to reach the criminals.

The thieves successfully located the weaponry they sought within the crates, but encountered a logistical challenge in extracting them from the Colossus. Abruptly, BB-8 descended through the vent, landing directly before the thieves. Unwilling to tolerate witnesses, the thieves prepared to obliterate BB-8. Perceiving the impending danger, Xiono, still positioned outside Sector 7-E, rushed to a nearby control panel. By manipulating a wheel, Xiono activated a pump intake valve situated above BB-8. This action propelled BB-8 upwards through the valve, sending him through the Colossus's network of pipes. However, a new predicament arose: BB-8 was now on a collision course with the ship's furnace. Swiftly, Xiono dashed to a lever and pulled it, redirecting BB-8 down an alternate pipe.

The pirates then launched thermal detonators into the valve, sending them hurtling toward BB-8. Reacting quickly, Xiono manipulated another lever, successfully diverting BB-8 away from the detonators. BB-8 then exited the pump intake valve, landing in a patch of mud.

As the thieves attempted to abscond with their stolen merchandise, they were intercepted and apprehended by security droids. Xiono expressed his gratitude to BB-8 for his assistance, and as they returned, he noticed a circuit hub. Utilizing sting, he fashioned a medal for himself from the circuit hub.

