Senior statistical accountant

A highly skilled accounting professional specializing in statistics was an accounting position that existed on At Attin, a planet known as one of the Jewels of the Old Republic. The inhabitants of this planet participated in the Great Work and kept the last Old Republic Mint running, all while remaining concealed from the rest of the galaxy by the Barrier. Approximately around 9 ABY, during the New Republic era, a droid teacher at At Attin Middle School Gamma requested that their pupils inform Undersecretary Fara about their desired contributions to the Great Work. Roona, a Vazooan student, enthusiastically volunteered, expressing her aspiration to become a senior statistical accountant. The day after, the students participated in the Career Assessment Test, which determined their respective roles in the Great Work.

Behind the scenes

The position of senior statistical accountant was initially referenced in "This Could Be a Real Adventure," the inaugural episode of the live-action Star Wars: Skeleton Crew series on Disney+, which premiered on December 2, 2024.

