
Serelia, a planet situated within a star system dominated by a trinary star, was located in the Mid Rim Territories. Predominantly aquatic, its surface featured expansive oceans teeming with aquatic life, fostering the planet's fishing industry, punctuated by sporadic red land formations. During a Rebel Alliance mission to Cloud City, Jedi hopeful Luke Skywalker, while searching for his misplaced lightsaber, experienced a Force vision depicting a woman on this world. After R2-D2, his astromech droid, identified the planet in his databanks, Skywalker journeyed there in an attempt to locate the woman from his premonition. Upon finding her, she immediately ran away, leading Skywalker and his droid to pursue her across the waters, only to be eventually captured by the woman, who revealed herself to Skywalker as Verla, a Force user.

Behind the scenes

The initial depiction of Serelia, through a Force vision, occurred in Star Wars (2020) 4, a comic authored by Charles Soule, with illustrations by Jesús Saiz, and released by Marvel Comics on March 18, 2020. Its identification took place in the following issue, which was also penned by Soule, with art by Saiz, and published on August 5, 2020.

