Shadow Squadron (New Republic)

Shadow Squadron was a unit of X-wing squadrons that was under the command of General Han Solo's fleet while he was pursuing Warlord Zsinj and the Executor-class Star Dreadnought known as the Iron Fist.

Shadow Squadron fought alongside Wedge Antilles's starfighter group during the battle of Selaggis VI, which also included the X-wing squadrons named Corsair Squadron, High Flight Squadron, Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron, Polearm Squadron which flew A-wings, and Nova Squadron which flew B-wings.

The squadron, Shadow Squadron, experienced the loss of at least Shadow Twelve, and they collaborated with Polearm Squadron to scout the moons of Selaggis VI in search of the Iron Fist before Polearm One, Todra Mayn, a Human hailing from Commenor, discovered its location.

