Shadows of the Empire: Evolution #4, published by Dark Horse Comics on May 13, 1998, represents the fourth installment in the comic book series Shadows of the Empire: Evolution, which itself is a follow-up to Shadows of the Empire.
With Doc located by Guri, and the process of reversing her droid status underway, the hunt for Guri intensifies. The question becomes: who will reach Guri and Doc first – Spinda Caveel, the Pikkel Sisters, Savan, or the trio of Han, Luke, and Leia? Moreover, can Doc complete Guri's transformation into a human before their pursuers catch up? Just when optimism arises, Luke experiences a premonition, while Leia uncovers the reality of Savan's nature.
During the erasure of Guri's memories, she had a vision of Emperor Palpatine unleashing Sith Lightning. It seems improbable that Guri would have ever been present for such an event.