
The Shepherd, a Pursuit-class light cruiser, operated within the Imperial Navy as of the year 0 ABY. In that specific year, under the command of Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik, it journeyed to the Hapes Cluster located in the Inner Rim, escorted by a complement of eight gunships. Subsequently, the Imperial squadron advanced to the Andalia system, receiving orders to engage the Hapan naval forces. This directive stemmed from Teshik's inability to capture Rebel-aligned privateers who had previously captured Advisor Coh Veshiv. The Hapan forces, possessing superior size and armament, decisively defeated the Imperial assault. The Shepherd met its end when its forward deflector shields collapsed, leading to the destruction of its main reactor core.


Constructed by Kuat Drive Yards, the Shepherd was a _Pursuit-class light cruiser measuring 500 meters in length. It was equipped with both deflector shields and a hyperdrive, in addition to its main reactor core. The bridge tower offered space for numerous officers and included storage for enviro-suits. The Light cruiser featured life support systems. During its final operation, the Shepherd had two squadrons of TIE/LN starfighters on board.


During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Shepherd served as a vessel of the Imperial Navy. Approximately around 0 ABY, Rebel forces abducted Imperial Advisor Coh Veshiv from Esseles, a planet within the oversector under the command of Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik. Emperor Palpatine, displeased with Teshik's failure, dispatched him to the Hapes Cluster in the Inner Rim aboard the Shepherd. The ship carried two squadrons of TIE fighters and was accompanied by eight gunships, ostensibly as a reconnaissance patrol. Teshik's squadron then received orders to engage Hapan forces in the Andalia system. Even before Teshik and his crew encountered the Hapan fleet, the Grand Admiral surmised that the Emperor was intentionally sending them on a suicide mission. The Shepherd encountered formidable resistance – five Hapan Battle Dragons along with eight Nova-class battle cruisers – which had prior knowledge of the Imperials' arrival. Despite the Shepherd's crew anticipating retreat, Teshik ordered the TIEs to launch an attack, understanding that this confrontation was the Emperor's retribution. The Shepherd was the last Imperial craft remaining, with all gunships and TIE fighters having been destroyed. After the Shepherd's forward deflector shields failed, the lead Battle Dragon unleashed a barrage of torpedoes that struck the Shepherd's main reactor, resulting in the disintegration of the Pursuit-class cruiser. The explosion claimed the lives of all on board except Teshik, who was ejected from the Shepherd through a hull breach while wearing an enviro-suit. He was subsequently rescued by a snoopship dispatched by Palpatine to ensure the recording of the Emperor's vengeance. Teshik later shared the story of the Shepherd with his Rebel captors in 4 ABY.

Commanders and crew

Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik commanded the Shepherd during its doomed voyage to the Hapes Cluster, with numerous officers staffing the bridge tower, including a deck officer. Upon realizing their impending demise, the bridge tower crew exhibited a range of reactions, from pleading with Teshik for new orders to becoming catatonic at their posts. The entire crew, with the exception of Teshik, perished in the destruction of the Shepherd.

Behind the scenes

The Shepherd received a mention within the introduction of The Essential Guide to Warfare, a comprehensive reference text dedicated to the numerous conflicts within the galaxy, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart and released in 2012.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
