Shield of Lies is a novel within the Star Wars Legends continuity, penned by Michael P. Kube-McDowell. As the second installment in The Black Fleet Crisis trilogy, it saw its release in September of 1996 through Bantam Spectra. Tyrant's Test succeeded it later in the same year.
The New Republic's hard-won victory is increasingly endangered by a belligerent race intent on instigating conflict, as this bestselling Star Wars story unfolds further....
While Leia grapples with a fresh danger to the delicate unity of the New Republic, Lando finds himself imprisoned on an out-of-control spaceship of mysterious origins. Luke persists in his exploration of his mother's history among the Fallanassi, where his fundamental understanding of the Force's application is about to be put to the test. Simultaneously, as Leia contemplates a diplomatic approach to address the aggressive actions of the formidable Yevetha, Han takes a spy vessel into the heart of Yevethan territory, confronting an imposing armada under the command of a merciless leader—a fleet that poses a significant threat to the New Republic's military capabilities....
- ISBN 9780553572773 ; September 1996 ; Bantam Spectra ; US paperback [2]
- ISBN 9780307796325 ; June 28 , 2011 ; Del Rey ; US eBook [3]
- ISBN 380252490X ; 1997 ; Heyne-Verlag ; German hardcover ( Die Schwarze Flotte, Band 2 - Aufmarsch der Yevethaner )
- ISBN 345313673X ; July 1998 ; Heyne-Verlag; German paperback
- Spanish edition ( La Flota Negra 2: Escudo de Mentiras )
- ISBN 8372450706 ; July 1999 ; Amber , Polish paperback ( Kryzys Czarnej Floty, Tom II - Tarcza Kłamstw )
- ISBN 9545285400 ; 2005 ; Trud; Bulgarian paperback ( Щит от Лъжи )