Showdown on Carajam

A confrontation unfolded in a village situated on the planet of Carajam. This confrontation involved the bounty hunters known as Boba Fett and Zingo Gabnit.


Sometime between 2 BBY and 4 ABY, the bounty hunter Boba Fett found himself on the Outer Rim Territories planet Carajam, in pursuit of a certain pilot. While transporting the pilot's deceased body (corpse), he passed through a camp belonging to the disgraced bounty hunter Zingo Gabnit. Gabnit, along with his companion Turfitch, initially thought Fett was there for him. Despite Fett initially ignoring them, he later sought information on a new bounty soon after collecting his reward for the pilot from the Bounty Hunters' Guild. A Guild agent provided him with Gabnit's background. Eventually, Gabnit betrayed Turfitch to steal his water and then ran away across the Death Plains, where he came across a village. He began attacking the village's residents so he could set up a trap meant for Fett.

The Confrontation

Gabnit attempted to ensnare Fett by speaking to him via a comlink connected to a Thermal Detonator. Fett evaded the resulting explosion and engaged Gabnit in combat, knocking him to the ground with a kick. Gabnit tried once again to negotiate for his survival, but as he reached for his blaster again, Fett fatally shot him.

The Aftermath

Fett proceeded to drag Gabnit's lifeless form into the town. There, he received thanks from a human named Stallo, whose sibling resided in the village.

Behind the scenes

The face-off between Boba Fett and Zingo Gabnit was depicted in the one-shot comic Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett 1, which was released by Marvel Comics on May 8, 2019. The writing for the comic was done by Greg Pak, and the penciling was handled by Marc Laming.

