The attack on Hebekrr Minor marked one of the initial conflicts of the Clone Wars, pitting the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Separatist Droid Army laid siege to the key populated areas of Hebekrr Major, an independent planet abundant in resources, aiming to seize it for the Separatist cause. A company from the Grand Army of the Republic, commanded by Jedi General Sivad along with Clone Commander Sticks, took on the defense of the planet's inhabitants against the assaults, which were mainly focused on the primary city of Hebekrr Minor. After several weeks had passed into the siege, Senator Padmé Amidala of the Republic and her Head of Security, Captain Gregar Typho, made a covert visit to Hebekrr Minor during a supply mission, seeking to establish communication with an enigmatic person who specifically requested to speak with a Senator. While present, the two individuals from Naboo aided in the rescue of several family members related to the magistrate of the planet, who had been abducted by Separatist forces. During this operation, the main power sources for the battle droids were eliminated, leading Commander Sticks to predict that the Separatist forces could only sustain their assault for approximately one more week before being forced to cease their offensive.