
The Sif'krie, hailing from the planet Sif'kric located within the Sif'kric system, possessed an economy that heavily relied on exporting the exceedingly perishable, yet highly valuable, pommwomm plants. They shared their star system with the Frezhlix, who commenced hostilities against them following the withdrawal of the Galactic Empire. They possessed a governing body.

In the year 19 ABY, a Frezhlix fleet initiated a blockade of their system, placing as much as 20% of the Sif'krie's annual planetary revenue at risk of total loss. The Frezhlix publicly declared that their motive was to pressure the Sif'krie into reconsidering their stance on the Caamas Document within their sector assembly, with the aim of securing their sector's support for the Drashtine Initiative in the New Republic Senate and its demand for the punishment of the Bothans. Despite the Sif'krie's inability to formally request military assistance, New Republic forces, under the command of Garm Bel Iblis and Wedge Antilles, arrived to conduct an investigation. When the Frezhlix opened fire upon New Republic X-wings that had penetrated their lines (ostensibly to investigate smuggling activities), the New Republic retaliated, ultimately defeating the blockading fleet.

With the Frezhlix menace neutralized, the Sif'krie felt sufficiently secure to reinforce the pro-Bothan elements engaged in the defense of Bothawui. Sif'krie skiffs engaged in combat alongside the fleet led by Diamala, and subsequently the New Republic coalition, during a battle at Bothawui.

