
The Simoom, a battle cruiser of the Maelstrom-class, began its service with the Galactic Republic. Following the reformation that established the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the Galactic Republic Navy was transformed into the Imperial Navy, and the Simoom transitioned to Imperial control. The Empire eventually placed the Simoom, alongside other Maelstrom-class ships, into reserve status. As the Galactic Civil War erupted, this aged and battle-worn [vessel](/article/starship] was seized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, who then integrated this battlecruiser into their naval forces.

Behind the scenes

Fantasy Flight Games first presented the Simoom in 2016 within their Star Wars Roleplaying supplement titled Lead by Example. This sourcebook was designed for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game system.


  • Lead by Example (First mentioned)

Notes and references
