The Sith'ari was a figure of prophecy within Sith tradition; it was thought that this individual, born of the Force itself, would possess incredible power and guide the Sith to ultimate triumph. Beaumont Kin, a historian, drew parallels between these prophecies and the Jedi's own prediction of a "Chosen One" destined to restore balance to the Force.
Kin based his conjecture on a scroll with annotations, unearthed by the Exegol Excavation Project on Exegol, a planet that was once under Sith control. This scroll seemed to indicate that Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith who previously held the position of Galactic Emperor, considered [Anakin Skywalker](/article/anakin_skywalker]—later known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader—to be the Sith'ari of prophecy. This aligned with Kin's view, given Skywalker's role as the Jedi's Chosen One. Kin presented his Sith'ari theory in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, published in 35 ABY.
In current Star Wars canon, the Sith'ari was referenced within the 2024 reference work, Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, authored by Dr. Chris Kempshall. The title had its origins in the Star Wars Legends continuity, making its debut in the 2003 video game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.