
The species known as Skandits were diminutive, sentient creatures that walked on two legs, characterized by their fur-covered bodies, elongated limbs, and stocky, condensed trunks. The fur encircling their eyes, dark in color, resembled a mask, while the rest of their bodies displayed a bluish-gray hue. A sizable population of Skandits made their home in the woodlands of Endor, where they would lay in wait for unsuspecting caravans of Ewoks and other beings, employing slingshots, batons, and whips in their ambushes. Skandits communicated through a cacophonous, twittering language.

In the year 3 ABY, a group of Skandits launched a surprise attack on an Ewok party hailing from Bright Tree Village, separating the Ewoks from their wagon filled with goods, and taking the travelers as prisoners. On that same day, a troupe of traveling entertainers identified as the Travelling Jindas made their way to the Skandits' home and struck a deal to put on a performance for the masked marauders. The performance was cut short when the Skandits found out that some of the Jindas had aided the Ewoks in their escape, and the Skandits turned on the strangers. Despite this, the Jindas and Ewoks managed to flee into the forest.

Biology and appearance

Skandits had short muzzles with sharp teeth and a band of black fur around their eyes.

The species of Skandits were small, furry, and sentient, possessing stocky bodies and spindly limbs. Their legs were set wide apart, resulting in a bowlegged stance. Each hand had three fingers, but they lacked toes on their feet. They also possessed a long, bushy tail that tapered to a point. With the exception of the fur around their eyes, their bodies were covered in bluish-gray fur. The fur was short across most of their body, but it grew longer on their cheeks and the tops of their heads. Skandits typically stood between 0.4 and 0.5 meters in height.

Beneath expressive brows, each Skandit had two white eyes. These contrasted with the mask-like band of black fur that encircled each eye and extended across the back of the head. A narrow, elongated muzzle protruded beneath this mask, culminating in a dark, rounded nose. Within the snout was a red tongue and a set of sharp teeth, some of which remained visible even when the mouth was closed. Pointed ears stood on either side of the head, sometimes erect, but often drooping.

Society and culture

The Skandits lived in a forest clearing on Endor.

Skandits made their homes in the forests of Endor. A sizable group resided in a forest clearing located on the moon. They wore brown capes tied around their necks but otherwise went without clothing. Their weaponry included a wooden baton featuring a single, white, round head attached to one end, wielded with two hands like a spear or thrown as a projectile. They also utilized whips and slingshots in combat. Their diet consisted, in part, of nuts.

Skandits organized themselves into raiding parties, ambushing unsuspecting travelers. They would initially position themselves by concealing themselves in the treetops along their targets' anticipated routes. Then, engaging in a favored tactic, the raiders would descend from their elevated positions, using their capes as makeshift gliders. The Skandits would overwhelm their surprised targets with their sheer numbers. They would grapple and bite their victims in large groups, isolating them from one another. Once their targets surrendered, the brigands would escort them back to their settlement and imprison them in cells dug within the root systems of trees in the area. These prisons were secured with carved, oval wooden doors on hinges, allowing the prisoners to see out through vertical wooden crossbars. Despite their fierce nature, Skandits were easily frightened and tended to freeze in such situations.

Although they were prone to attacking non-Skandits, their communities occasionally welcomed visitors peacefully. For instance, they permitted a group of itinerant entertainers known as the Travelling Jindas to perform for them in 3 ABY. Skandits were noisy creatures, communicating in a rapid language of high-pitched chitters, growls, and screeches.


The Skandits welcomed Bondo and the Travelling Jindas for a performance.

The Skandits of Endor earned a negative reputation among the Ewoks of the Forest Moon due to their raids and acts of aggression. One group of Skandits eventually established a settlement in a forest clearing, where they built dugout prisons beneath giant trees.

In 3 ABY, members of this Skandit group spotted an Ewok cart being pulled by a bordok traveling through the forest. The Skandits took up positions in the trees above the cart's path, awaiting the opportune moment to strike. Once the cart came within range, they descended from their perches, using their capes to glide onto the cart and its Ewok riders. They overwhelmed their targets and captured them, frightening the Ewoks' bordok in the process. The Skandits then marched their captives back to their hideout in the woods. The captured Ewoks—Latara, Paploo, Teebo, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, and the Warrick brothers Weechee, Widdle, and Wicket—were subsequently thrown into one of the Skandits' root-cellar prisons.

Shortly afterward, a group of wandering Jindas arrived. Their leader, Bondo, introduced the group as the Travelling Jindas and requested to perform for "the Skanditos" that evening in exchange for sustenance and shelter. The Skandits agreed. During the performance, the assembled Skandits watched with rapt attention, leaving only two guards to oversee the Ewok prisoners. Unbeknownst to the forest raiders, the Jindas had previously encountered the young Ewok named Latara and considered her a member of their tribe. As the show progressed, a female Jinda dancer and a magician named Trebla charmed the guards, lulling them to sleep. The Jindas then smuggled the Ewoks past the Skandit audience in a long costume designed to be worn by multiple beings simultaneously. This strange creation then took the stage, appearing as a frightening sight to the audience. The Ewok Wicket W. Warrick reveled in the fear he was able to instill in his former captors, but his antics caused the costume to fall apart, revealing the Ewoks concealed within. The Skandits, enraged, pursued the escapees, but the Jindas and Ewoks swiftly gathered their belongings and fled into the forest.

Behind the scenes

Writer Bob Carrau conceived of the Skandits for "The Curse of the Jindas," an episode of the Nelvana Ewoks animated series. This episode, their sole appearance, was originally broadcast on October 19, 1985. In the cartoon, the high-pitched, chittering voices of the Skandits are provided by an uncredited voice actor.

Several sources have described the Skandits as "squirrellike." The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia does not capitalize the species' name, a detail that is inconsistent with other sources. Beginning with A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, sources identify the Skandits' preferred weapons as whips and slingshots. However, in "The Curse of the Jindas," these armaments are absent, and the Skandits exclusively employ spear-like batons.

