Skirmish in the Ancient Crystal Cave

Shortly following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, a minor conflict erupted within the crystal cave located on Dantooine. This clash involved several Jedi facing off against a pair of Sith Lords. The Jedi contingent, spearheaded by Master Dar'Nala, opposed the treaty and sought its destruction, thereby defying the principles of their order. Simultaneously, the Sith sought to exploit the situation by attempting to sway a promising young Jedi toward the dark side. The confrontation occurred within the crystal cave. However, Dar'Nala's instability was exposed to her followers, which led to her demise, effectively concluding the conflict.


Back in 3681 BBY, the True Sith Empire emerged from the depths of space and launched an assault on the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order, seeking retribution for their defeat during the Great Hyperspace War. Despite initial successes, the Empire's offensive stalled after a decade, resulting in a prolonged stalemate.

Then, in 3653 BBY, the Dark Council of the Empire shocked the Galactic Senate by proposing a peace agreement. Despite the Jedi Council's urging for caution, the Senate ultimately decided to accept the Sith's proposition. Representatives from both factions convened on Alderaan to negotiate the terms of a cease-fire. However, the Sith had further plans: an elite Sith force under the command of Darth Angral assaulted and seized control of the Galactic capital, Coruscant. With the Sith threatening Coruscant's destruction, the Republic diplomats on Alderaan had no choice but to ratify the unfair Treaty of Coruscant.

While most Sith members were content with the treaty, many Republic citizens were unhappy with its imbalanced conditions. One such dissenter was a Jedi Master named Dar'Nala. Collaborating with like-minded Jedi and Republic soldiers, Dar'Nala orchestrated events to falsely portray the Sith as continuing their attacks on the Republic, framing Sith Lord Darth Baras for sabotaging the treaty.


Meanwhile, Baras discovered Dar'Nala's manipulations after being confronted by Angral, who accused him of undermining his own treaty. Baras decided to exploit this situation for his own advantage. Subsequently, Baras and Angral traveled to Dantooine to confront Dar'Nala and her supporters in the crystal caves. Dar'Nala arrived accompanied by Jedi Knight Fortris Gall, Republic Soldier Harron Tavus, and a Wookiee bounty hunter named Dalborra (who was under Dar'Nala's influence). Dar'Nala and her group then launched an attack on the Sith Lords and their guards.

During the battle, Jedi Knight Satele Shan appeared and joined the Jedi in combat. Baras then initiated his plan to corrupt Satele. He revealed that Dar'Nala, her own master, was responsible for disrupting the treaty, urging Satele to join the Sith to safeguard peace. Although Satele refused to join the Sith, the revelation caused her to withdraw her support for Dar'Nala. She advised Tavus to do the same, and he complied.

This series of events enraged Dar'Nala, causing her to succumb completely to the dark side. She attempted to punish Satele by murdering Tavus, sensing a growing affection between them. However, this action turned Gall against her, and her attempt on Tavus' life was thwarted. Dar'Nala then ordered Dalborra to kill Gall, but Dalborra had managed to break free of the fallen Jedi's control and killed her instead.


Following Dar'Nala's death, Satele guided Tavus and Gall back to the Republic base on Dantooine. Dar'Nala's demise brought an end to the attempts to disrupt the Treaty of Coruscant, and the resulting peace endured.

