This conflict unfolded in the Dathomir rainforest (a planet) during 43.5 ABY. Luke and Ben Skywalker journeyed to this world to locate Vestara Khai, the Sith apprentice, while Han and Leia Solo sought out the Skywalkers. Upon arriving at the Dathomir Spaceport, the Solos hired a group of guides to navigate the rainforest: Tarth Vames, Carrack, Yliri Consta, Dyon Stadd (a Force-sensitive individual), and Tribeless Sha, a former Dathomiri Witch.
At the same time, the Raining Leaves Clan was getting ready to participate in a conclave with the Broken Columns Clan. As the Skywalkers searched for Khai, they inadvertently trespassed on land reserved for the upcoming gathering. Kaminne Sihn, the leader of the Raining Leaves Clan, launched several assaults to discourage them. The Jedi, however, pressed onward. Consequently, Sihn and nine other clan members devised a trap, intending to trigger a rockfall. The Jedi noticed the trap and evaded the falling rocks, but they were immediately taken by surprise by the appearance of several Witches and their rancors, as they had only anticipated encountering the Witch they had previously met. Luke Skywalker tried engaging in conversation with Sihn, but the Jedi were promptly attacked.
Concurrently, the Solos and their guides reached the location, joining the fray against the Witches. The Jedi-allied group quickly gained the upper hand against the Dathomiri Witches, subduing them and bringing the battle to a close. Once the Witches were restrained, Luke Skywalker introduced himself to Sihn. Recalling the assistance he had provided to the Dathomir Witches in prior years, she proclaimed him and his companions as counselors, thus including them in the approaching conclave.