Skirmish in the Stone Prison hangar

This confrontation occurred within the hangar of the Stone Prison, located on the planet Doan, specifically in the year 980 BBY. Set Harth, recently indoctrinated as an apprentice to Darth Zannah, accompanied her on this journey to Doan. Her purpose was to confront and defeat her own instructor, Darth Bane, thus securing her position as the Sith's Dark Lord. Zannah proceeded into the facility in search of Bane—who had been brought there following his apprehension by an Iktotchi killer, the Huntress, under the orders of Doan Royalty Serra. She left Harth to guard their vessel, the Victory. Impatient, Harth ventured into the prison, discovering the ancient artifact belonging to Darth Andeddu, rumored to contain the key to immortality.

Having acquired it, he went back to the hangar and made the decision to abscond by stealing a ship. However, the Huntress appeared, preventing him from commandeering the ship, which turned out to be her own transport, the Stalker. A short battle ensued, with Harth attempting to evade her, using the various ships in the hangar as cover.

Simultaneously, Zannah had located Bane and started a fight. Serra, with the intention of eliminating both Sith Overlords, activated the prison's self-destruction mechanism. As the building began to crumble, Harth sabotaged three of the five starships present in the hangar, leaving only the Stalker and one other operational. He proposed a deal: they would both escape using the two remaining ships, or he would disable the final two, condemning them all to death. The Huntress, realizing she couldn't prevent his sabotage in time, accepted his terms. Harth then escaped in the other ship, taking Andeddu's ancient knowledge repository with him. He began to study it, eventually mastering the techniques of essence transfer.

However, the Iktotchi remained, believing her destiny lay in waiting. Shortly after, Bane arrived at the hangar, having survived his conflict with his apprentice, and immediately attacked the Huntress. The Huntress, however, yielded to Bane's guidance, returning his lightsaber—which she had seized upon his capture—and adopting the name Sith Title Cognus. They then fled the collapsing prison in the Stalker and pursued Serra to Ambria, where Cognus executed her, before Bane and Zannah engaged in a decisive fight for the title of Dark Lord of the Sith.

