The Stalker served as the personal shuttle for Darth Cognus, the Iktotchi assassin and Sith apprentice, also known as the Huntress. Following the capture of Darth Bane from his mansion located on Ciutric IV under the direction of Princess Serra, she utilized this ship to travel to the Stone Prison situated on Doan. Subsequently, Set Harth made an attempt to commandeer the Stalker in order to escape from the Stone Prison, but Cognus intercepted him before his departure. During the subsequent skirmish that unfolded within the hangar, Serra activated a detonator designed to bring about the collapse of the entire prison structure. Harth swiftly disabled three of the five available vessels. He then issued a threat to destroy the two remaining ships—namely, the Stalker and his own starship—an action that would result in their mutual demise amidst the prison's destruction. He proposed an agreement wherein she would permit his escape, in exchange for which he would leave her vessel untouched. Cognus acquiesced to his terms, allowing him to flee, and remained in the hangar until the arrival of Darth Bane. Upon recognizing her as his captor, he feigned an attack, but she instead submitted to him, returning his lightsaber—which she had confiscated upon his capture—and offering herself as his apprentice. He accepted her proposition, and she subsequently transported him to Ambria aboard the Stalker with the purpose of hunting down Serra, who had subjected him to torture within the Prison.