Slave Pits of Lorrd

Death and Slave Pits for kids A depiction of the Slave Pits by Tash Arranda set in 0 ABY The Slave Pits of Lorrd represent enormous, man-made, cone-shaped depressions. The Argazdan Redoubt engineered these structures near the conclusion of the Kanz Disorders. These pits were wider across than the Ancient Abyss located on Felucia. An unidentified female Yuuzhan Vong Shaper, whose starship accidentally wandered into the Kanz sector, served as the architect of the Pit.


The Slave Pits of Lorrd's design mirrored that of old-fashioned radio telescopes. During the Imperial Period, a DV-9 specialist speculated that these pits functioned as a system comprising organic receivers or transmitters. They provided housing for bio-engineered, amphibious monsters intended to serve as "superweapons" that were alive. The weapon was said to be capable of summoning great destructive power and was under a massive door in the center of the pits.


Circa 3670 BBY, the ruling Argazdan Regent named Torphceris faced a challenge to his authority over the Redoubt from the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, led by the Lorrdian Jedi Master called Mari-Elan Nora. In a moment of desperation, he compromised his "beliefs" in Vianism and forged an alliance with the female Shaper, who asserted her ability to create a weapon capable of unleashing tremendous destructive force.

Under her guidance, Torphceris gave the order to construct massive pits on Lorrd using Lorrdian slaves as labor. At the alien's insistence, the pits were built entirely by hand, without any mechanical assistance. This led to the deaths of countless Lorrdian slaves. At the bottom of the pit, she created an amphibious "living superweapon capable of living for millennia.:

During the Liberation of Lorrd, a number of Argazdans sought refuge within the slave pit's chambers, only to vanish, presumably consumed by the resident monster. Several Jedi and Republic soldiers, dispatched to capture these fleeing individuals, also disappeared. Sensing a malevolent presence within the Pits, Nora commanded that they be filled in and their existence downplayed in official records.

The Lorrdian playwright Pordi zet Chatc chronicled the construction of the Slave Pits in his theatrical work, Torphceris. In this play, the Yuuzhan Vong Shaper was presented as a "Demonic Alien," while her Argazdan collaborators were portrayed as weaklings willing to abandon their convictions in exchange for power.

During the Galactic Civil War, Tash Arranda and her Lorrdian companion Kal zet Berri journeyed to the Slave Pits, where they crossed paths with the corrupt Doctor [Raygar] and the Imperial Agent Diamond, both of whom sought the "living superweapon". During a brief skirmish at the Pits' base, the combatants encountered the monster, which attempted to kill them. However, Raygar neutralized the creature using a thermal detonator. This allowed his adversaries to escape and also prevented the Galactic Empire from acquiring a potential superweapon to use against the Rebel Alliance.

