Slitherfish were a type of species lacking sentience, native to the Mid Rim planet of Naboo. In contrast to what their name suggests, these creatures didn't inhabit water; instead, they dwelled beneath the canopies of trees. There, they congregated in groups, superficially resembling hanging vines. Their anatomy included elongated bodies covered in sleek, green skin, culminating in a pointed, finned tail. Their heads were equipped with a pair of eyes, a glowing lure, a pair of nostrils, a mouth filled with pointed fangs, and a bifurcated tongue that they would sometimes flick.
On one day, Padmé Amidala and Jar Jar Binks, in pursuit of a soshinyday blobball, were compelled to traverse through a slitherfish aggregation. These beings exhibited aggressive tendencies, startling the kaadus ridden by the pair and capturing Binks. Rather than eliminating the entire group, Amidala utilized her blaster to create openings in the overhead foliage, prompting the slitherfish to withdraw because of their inherent aversion to intense illumination.