Soup-soof, a dish offered at a diner run by the Chagrian named Gowayne, was available on the planet of Skuhl. This [brownish](/article/color] foam possessed a [salty](/article/salt] flavor, a squishy feel, and left a fatty sensation after consumption. Served on a plate, it was consumed using a fork. The young [boy](/article/gender] named Hadder Ponta found the dish enjoyable, and sometime between 5 BBY and 4 BBY, he ordered it for both himself and the human Jyn Erso. Erso felt doubtful about [eating](/article/diet] the dish due to how it looked, but upon Ponta's urging, she tasted it and decided it was among the most unpleasant things she had ever eaten. Ponta argued that it wasn't as terrible as she described, but Erso disagreed and demanded that he make her bunn when they returned to the Ponta house.
Rebel Rising, a 2017 novel penned by Beth Revis, featured the appearance of Soup-soofs.