Sparky, originating from the world of Artorias, was a Human male technician.
At the onset of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, he found himself attempting to repair the comm interlink located within the Artorias communications center. His efforts to repair the interlink were disrupted by the arrival of a cloaked man, who proposed to assist in completing the task, expressing his disapproval of Artorias' potential isolation from the broader galaxy.
Annoyed by his lack of progress, Sparky agreed to the offer, stipulating that the man should credit him for the repair, as it was his responsibility. The man then seemingly repaired the interlink and intercepted a distress call originating from the exploration vessel Pythea. Panha, a Chiss explorer, alerted them to the threat posed by an approaching Yuuzhan Vong armada. The man acknowledged receipt of the message but kept this information from Sparky.
Subsequently, the cloaked man informed Sparky that his repair attempts had been unsuccessful. Oblivious to both Panha's warning and the imminent Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Sparky remarked that he saw no issue with his planet remaining uninformed. At that point, the cloaked man discarded his ooglith masquer, which had been concealing his true identity, revealing himself as a Yuuzhan Vong operative.
Following the Battle of Artorias, Sparky allied himself with Caled Galfridian within the ranks of the Artorias resistance.