
This Yuuzhan Vong operative (a male of that species) operated undercover on the planet of Artorias. He assumed the guise of a Human man who went by the name of "Dulac". His mission was to prepare the way for his species' invasion of the galaxy. He used a special ooglith masquer to perfectly mimic the appearance of a Human.


The technician known as Sparky was attempting to repair a comm interlink at the Artorias communications center when "Dulac" encountered him. Noticing Sparky's difficulty, "Dulac" offered his assistance, prompted by a stated dislike for Artorias being isolated from the galaxy. Sparky accepted the help, but only if "Dulac" would let him take the credit for the repairs.

"Dulac" then seemingly managed to repair the interlink and also intercepted a distress call from the Pythea, an exploration vessel. The Chiss explorer Panha urgently warned of an approaching Yuuzhan Vong fleet. "Dulac" acknowledged the message but concealed it from Sparky, instead informing him that his own repair attempts had been unsuccessful.

The agent in his Human disguise.

Sparky, completely unaware of Panha's warning and the impending Yuuzhan Vong invasion, remarked that he saw no problem with his planet remaining isolated. At that point, "Dulac" discarded his ooglith masquer, revealing his true identity as a Yuuzhan Vong scout.

As a friend of the king Caled Galfridian, "Dulac" participated in the Battle of Artorias alongside the other members of the Artorias resistance in an attempt to defend against the Yuuzhan Vong. Later, he appeared to be captured by the Yuuzhan Vong and subjected to the Embrace of Pain. After an unspecified period of imprisonment, an explosion rocked the chambers where "Dulac" was being tortured, freeing him. He escaped through a hole created by the explosion and was then seized by resistance fighters disguised in seaweed. They took "Dulac" to their underwater hidden base and revealed their true identities. "Dulac" was surprised to see King Caled Galfridian alive and leading the resistance. Around this time Finn Galfridian discovered the truth about Dulac's identity from an information dealer on Nar Shaddaa.

"Dulac" is killed by Jacen and Jaina Solo.

Finn, accompanied by Jacen and Jaina Solo, hurried back to Artorias to warn his father. However, they arrived too late; "Dulac" had already revealed his true allegiance to Caled and launched an attack. During their confrontation, Dulac complimented the King on his Yuuzhan Vong-like spirit. "Dulac" knew the fight was lost when Finn's droid, Prowl, arrived and shot him. Nevertheless, "Dulac" had one final weapon: a plaeryin bol. He managed to spit the venom from the bol into the king's face, but was immediately cut down by Jacen and Jaina Solo.

