Star Wars: River of Chaos

Star Wars: River of Chaos was a comic book series consisting of four issues. It was brought to publication in 1995 by Dark Horse Comics, and is part of the wider comics universe.

Plot summary

TIE bombers from the Imperial forces launch an assault on the Rebel base stationed on Aguarl 3. Despite the Rebels' best efforts, one bomber succeeds in its mission. The pilot of that bomber, Ranulf Trommer, manages to return to the Ravagor, but his ship is severely damaged. Trommer survives, but the loss of his leg necessitates the implantation of a mechanical leg. Meanwhile, on M'haeli, Ch'no, a local "seer," defends his adopted Human daughter, Mora, and subsequently experiences a vision foretelling an Imperial attack on the planet. Soon after, Ranulf Trommer and his father, Admiral Trommer, are summoned by Grand Moff Lynch, where Ranulf receives a promotion and is tasked with spying on Governor Grigor on M'haeli. Their conversation is overheard by Ambassador Jollie. On M'haeli, Imperials launch an attack on a Rebel cell searching for the rumored heir to the M'haeli ruling family. This raid motivates two H'drachi, N'ton and R'han, to join the Rebel cause. At the Imperial garrison, Jollie informs Grigor that Lynch has dispatched Trommer, Grigor's new aide, to act as a spy. In the capital city, N'croth, Mora is hired by two Rebels, Merrik and Jalose, to modify two swoops for guerrilla warfare. Ch'no takes Mora to meet the H'drachi elders, but their presence disrupts the elders' Force-like meditations. Ranulf finally arrives on the planet after defending an Imperial dreadnought from a Rebel attack led by Leia Organa. Grigor instructs him to befriend Mora in an attempt to infiltrate the "junker" culture on the planet. He brings D-4R5, Grigor's droid, which Grigor shot and needs repairs, to Mora's shop. However, they are confronted by stormtroopers seeking Rebels and aiming to eliminate Ranulf on Grigor's orders. Mora saves Ranulf's life with the assistance of Merrik and Jalose, who have arrived to collect their swoops. Leia, whom Mora recognizes from wanted posters, and N'ton accompany the two Rebels. Together with Ch'no, they escape on swoops into the night.

The group comes under Imperial attack, but manages to escape with minimal difficulty. Mora and Ranulf are directed to a cave near the Rebel base, but not to the base itself, pending verification of Ranulf's loyalty. The others proceed to the Rebel base. In N'croth, the elders decide to betray Ch'no, Mora, and the Rebels to the Empire in order to protect themselves. Based on Ch'no's information, Mora and Ranulf head to a dragite crystal mine operated by Grigor without Imperial authorization. The Rebels believe that the information they gather could be valuable and help them gain trust. Upon arrival, Mora's presence disrupts the meditations of several H'drachi, and they witness Imperials (actually, thugs hired by Grigor and disguised as stormtroopers) assaulting R'han, N'ton's friend. Mora and Ranulf successfully disrupt the operation and escape with a quantity of dragite crystals as proof of the operation's existence. After reuniting with the Rebels, they rest for the night. Ranulf believes that exposing Grigor to his Imperial superiors would lead to Grigor's removal and replacement with a less cruel governor, thus negating the need for rebellion on M'haeli and allowing him to be with Mora, with whom he has fallen in love. Using his Imperial credentials, he enters the Imperial facility where Grigor is sleeping without incident and apprehends Grigor in his sleep. However, Ranulf is then taken prisoner. His former allies turn against him for opposing Grigor, and the Rebels are warned about him when Merrik returns to the Rebel base after seeing Ranulf enter the Imperial compound unhindered. Fearing that they have compromised their base's location, they prepare to relocate.

Ranulf is tortured, but refuses to reveal the Rebel base's location to Grigor. In his absence, Merrik begins flirting with Mora, angering Jalose. At N'croth, Imperials bombard the city in search of the Rebels. The Rebels decide to retaliate by attacking the mine. Back at the garrison, the bounty hunter Glott arrives to fulfill Grigor's orders to capture Mora. The Rebels are betrayed by Ph'dan, and Glott sets out for the mine to apprehend them. In the dungeon, Ranulf escapes due to his Imperial training. He arrives at the mine just in time to witness Glott attacking the victorious Rebels. He defeats Glott, but the Rebels, mistaking him for a stormtrooper, capture him instead. Glott orders Mora to be registered and executed, but her identi-print reveals that she is the lost heir to M'haeli. Consequently, Grigor announces his intention to marry Queen Mora, solidifying his power on M'haeli.

Desperate, Ranulf reveals his true purpose on M'haeli to the Rebels and offers his help to save Mora. They assault Grigor's base and rescue her, pursued by Glott. During the pursuit, Jalose sacrifices her life to save Mora, her queen. Ranulf then kills Glott. The H'drachi then launch a rebellion against the Empire, resulting in a massive battle in which Grigor is killed (Ranulf kicks his gun hand while he's holding Mora hostage, causing him to shoot himself in the head). Shortly after, Admiral Trommer arrives to commend Ranulf for his role in bringing down Grigor. However, when he suggests eliminating Mora due to her family's ties to the Old Republic, Ranulf refuses and attacks the Imperials holding Mora. The two escape and join the Rebellion. Their first mission is to assist the Rebels in destroying the mine. Merrik dies in the assault, but is now reunited with Jalose.




  • Star Wars Omnibus: Early Victories
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Rebellion Vol. 3


Notes and references
