Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition

Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition is a reference work penned by Pablo Hidalgo together with Jason Fry. Serving as an updated version of Star Wars: Complete Vehicles, its debut was on November 3, 2020.

Publisher's summary

Delve into the expansive Star Wars universe through detailed sectional views

Featuring over 100 stunning cross-sectional illustrations, the vehicles of Star Wars are brought vividly to life. This book, complete with new sections, incredible detail, and thorough text, is the definitive guide to the spacecraft of a galaxy far, far away….


  • Poe Dameron's X-wing in action
  • The formidable strength of Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi's swift Jedi starfighter


  • The internal mechanisms of Rey's speeder
  • The sophisticated technology of the Rebel Alliance's U-wing
  • The devastating firepower of the Death Star


  • The renowned passageways of the Millennium Falcon
  • The brutal construction of the Knights of Ren's Night Buzzard
  • The imposing and frightening Final Order Star Destroyer [1]


  • Several continuity discrepancies from the 2013 Legends version persist in this new release: On page 111, Alaris Prime is written incorrectly as "laris" and wrongly identified as a moon orbiting Kashyyyk, while its real orbit is around Alaris. Within the Death Star cross-section on page 151, the labels for "Carrier beam crystal," "Main power generator," "Firing field amplifier," and "Static discharge tower" are misplaced.
  • On page 71, the left forward laser cannon of the LAAT/i gunship is erroneously labeled as its "Navigational terrain-sensor housing."
  • On page 253, the name Osseriton is spelled incorrectly as "Oserriton" in the initial paragraph.


