Osseriton, a planet utilized as a penal colony, was situated within the Unknown Regions, specifically at grid coordinate G-9 on the Standard Galactic Grid. This world shared its designation with Osseriton Assemblages, the company responsible for manufacturing the Oubliette-class transport. These vessels were initially created to transport convicts from nearby star systems to a demanding labor camp on Osseriton. The colonies there served as a place where these individuals were effectively forgotten while they extracted resources from the planet's unforgiving environment.
Sometime around 4 ABY, the Knights of Ren, mercenaries aligned with the dark side of the Force, were discreetly contracted to raid the prison facility and liberate its inmates. Due to the absence of limitations in their assignment, they also attacked the hangars housing the prison's security forces and stole an Oubliette-class transport named the Night Buzzard. Subsequently, the group modified this vessel for their own purposes, eliminating any markings associated with the Osseriton correctional institution.
Within established Star Wars canon, Osseriton's initial mention occurred in the 2019 reference publication Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. Conversely, within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the first reference to Osseriton appeared in Force Heretic II: Refugee. This was the second book in the Force Heretic trilogy and the sixteenth installment in the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series. This novel was published in 2003 and was a collaborative effort by Sean Williams and Shane Dix.
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary (First mentioned)
- Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition
- " Starships of the First Order and the Resistance " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars Galaxy Map
- SWCA 2022: 7 Things We Learned from the Lucasfilm Publishing Behind the Page Panel on StarWars.com (backup link)
- Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy