Star Wars Insider 46

Star Wars Insider number 46 represents the forty-sixth edition of the magazine, Star Wars Insider. Its release occurred in October of 1999.

Table of Contents

Main Articles

  • " A Jedi Trio " (by Kevin Fitzpatrick) Liam Neeson, Samuel L. Jackson, and Jake Lloyd participated in brief question and answer sessions with the Insider shortly after their initial viewing of The Phantom Menace. Discover the actors' opinions of the finished film, and their anticipation for Episode II.
  • " Return of the Ewok " (by Scott Chernoff) Featuring previously unreleased photographs! View the "home movie mockumentary" created by the assistant director of Return of the Jedi during the 1982 filming of Jedi, starring Warwick Davis, and including humorous appearances by Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and others!
  • " The Art of Episode I " This section presents stunning reproductions of concept art that defined the visual style of The Phantom Menace, taken directly from The Art of Episode I. Prepare to be amazed by everything from early Podracer designs to the enigmatic Sith Witch!
  • " The Vehicles of Episode I " (by David West Reynolds) What is a bongo, you ask? It is, of course, a Gungan submarine, and it's just one component of a new collection of speeders, ships, and tanks utilized by both the forces of good and evil in the Star Wars saga's inaugural episode. This revealing and detailed overview is provided by David West Reynolds, the author of Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary.
  • " Anthony Daniels: Nuts and Bolts " (by Scott Chernoff) After portraying the beloved protocol droid C-3PO in four films, two animated series, countless commercials, and even a "Holiday Special," Anthony Daniels remains a prominent figure in the Star Wars universe. The author of the Insider's Wonder Column discusses with Scott Chernoff the significance of the role to him, and his future aspirations for it.

Regular Sections


  • New Star Wars Insider Uncovers "Return of the Ewok" on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Mara Jade: Flesh and Blood on (content now obsolete; backup link)

Additional Information

External Resources

  • Star Wars Insider #46 in the Cargo Bay (content now obsolete; backup link)
