Star Wars Insider #98 represents the ninety-eighth installment of Star Wars Insider, marking the sixth edition published under the banner of Titan Magazines.
Within these pages, discover the secrets behind the special effects through an exclusive discussion with Star Wars Effects Masters – Phil Tippet [sic], Dennis Muren, and Richard Edlund! Obtain a unique glimpse into the future of Star Wars, as Aaron Allston unleashes Fury in 'Star Wars: Legacy of the Force.' Furthermore, we guide you through the universe of Star Wars collectibles. Available both on Newsstands and in Previews Exclusive editions."
- " Roger Christian: Galaxy Builder " Set decorator Roger Christian, recognized for his contributions in realizing the Star Wars galaxy on screen, received an Academy Award.
- " Ben Burtt: Can You Hear the Force? Star Wars Insider sits down with Ben Burtt, the mastermind responsible for the distinctive soundscape of the Star Wars galaxy.
- " The Man Who Sold Star Wars! " Back in 1976, Charles Lippincott spearheaded a grassroots marketing initiative to promote an upcoming, relatively unknown film called Star Wars.
- " Pirates of the Boards : Part 6" Our exclusive series showcasing Star Wars storyboards concludes with Luke's assault on the Death Star!
- " Fabric of the Universe " Over three decades prior, John Mollo was tasked with designing the attire for an entire galaxy as he embarked on the initial Star Wars film.
- " Star Players " Presenting the often-overlooked heroes of the original Star Wars: Meet Fixer, the original Wedge, Greedo, and Biggs!
- "Editor's Welcome" (by Brian J. Robb)
- " Com-Scan "
- " Best of "
- " Jawa's Corner " Books — Fury Unleashed Upon the Galaxy (by Jason Fry) Comics — Plotting the Vector (by Daniel Wallace) Toys — Bringing Battlefront to Life! (by Frank Parisi) Star Wars Q&A — "Like Something Out of a Dream" (by Leland Chee) Scouting the Galaxy — Rancho Obi-Wan Reunion Tops off a Busy Year (by Steve Sansweet) International Collecting — Sweden (by Gus Lopez) Set Piece — Massassi Temple Throne Room (by Chris Trevas) Padawan's Corner" — How to Draw: An Ewok (by Cynthia Cummens) Bantha Tracks Vol. 29 (by Mary Franklin) Indy Vault #6 (by J. W. Rinzler) Comlink