The ninety-seventh edition of Star Wars Insider magazine, titled Star Wars Insider 97, marks the fifth installment published under Titan Magazines' banner. It became available on October 23, 2007, at newsstands across the US, and shortly after on October 25, 2007, in UK newsagents.
- "Com-Scan Extra: The Art of Howard Chaykin " Pete Vilmur's discovery of some vintage Star Wars artwork led him on a quest to uncover their origins, ultimately revealing previously unseen pieces by Howard Chaykin!
- " Mark Hamill & Carrie Fisher: Luke & Leia " (Authored by Brian J. Robb, Jonathan Wilkins, & Brigid Cherry) In a rare interview concerning his involvement with Star Wars, Mark Hamill engages in a one-on-one discussion with Star Wars Insider, sharing his memories of the Force. Additionally, we've included select highlights from Carrie Fisher's appearance at Star Wars: Celebration IV.
- " "You're Hired" to be Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice! " (Authored by Brian J. Robb & Jonathan Wilkins) Star Wars Insider connects with LucasArts Project Lead Haden Blackman and actor Sam Witwer, who portrays the "Secret Apprentice," to delve into the upcoming chapter of the Star Wars Saga: The Force Unleashed.
- " Pirates of the Boards : Part V" (Authored by Jonathan W. Rinzler) The Death Star exhaust port trench runs commence with a blend of Gold, Red, and Blue Leaders! Delve into Joe Johnston's initial Star Wars storyboards.
- " Art Vader " (Authored by Bonnie Burton) Witness Darth Vader in an entirely new light! We explore The Vader Project.
- " Com-Scan "
- " Best of "
- " Jawa's Corner " Books — The Man Behind the Mask (Authored by Jason Fry) Comics — Knights of Suffering (Authored by Daniel Wallace) Toys — Bricks, Biths, and Busts (Authored by Jeremy Beckett) Star Wars Q&A — Who Spent Han's Reward? (Authored by Leland Chee) Scouting the Galaxy — The Summer of Our Supreme Content (Authored by Steve Sansweet) International Collecting — Mexico (Authored by Gus Lopez) Set Piece — Kamino Landing Platform (Authored by Chris Trevas) Padawan's Corner — How to Draw: Max Rebo (Authored by Cynthia Cummens) Bantha Tracks Vol. 28 (Authored by Mary Franklin) Indy Vault #6 (Authored by J. W. Rinzler) Comlink
- - Star Wars Insider #97 (Newsstand Edition) on (This content is no longer accessible; archived version provided)
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