Star Wars Insider 99

Star Wars Insider number 99 represented the ninety-ninth edition of Star Wars Insider, and also marked the seventh issue published under the banner of Titan Magazines.

Table of Contents

Feature Articles

  • " Tales of the Bounty Hunters " (authored by Daniel Wallace) These characters may have limited screen time, but beyond the core saga, bounty hunters have exerted considerable influence on that galaxy far, far away.
  • " The Ultimate Hunter " (authored by Jonathan Wilkins) Star Wars Insider sits down with Jeremy Bulloch, the actor who brought Boba Fett to life in the original trilogy, and Daniel Logan, who portrayed a young Boba in Attack of the Clones.
  • " Bounty Hunters' Guild Handbook " (authored by Jonathan Wilkins) Do you possess the necessary skills to become a bounty hunter? Consult our exclusive guide for insights into the lifestyle and challenges of confronting galactic criminals!
  • " Feat of Clay: Inside Kotobukiya " (authored by Shingo Nakagawa, Mariki Kawamura) Gain exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the creation of Japanese company Kotobukiya's all-new line of bounty hunter figures. Witness the making of high-end collectibles!
  • " Boba Begins " (authored by Pete Vilmur) Do you believe you know the date of Boba Fett's initial appearance? Prepare for a surprise as we reveal the hidden origins of this most mysterious of bounty hunters.
  • " Ben Burtt: May The Sound Be with You! " (authored by Pat Jankiewicz) Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt discusses Wookiees, alien languages, and the real story behind the infamous Wilhelm scream!
  • "First Crack of the Whip!" (authored by Ian Spelling) As excitement grows for the release of the new Indiana Jones movie next spring, Rick McCallum and Sean Patrick Flanery reflect on the Young Indy TV series.


  • "Editor's Welcome" (by Brian J. Robb)
  • " Com-Scan "
  • " Best of "
  • " Jawa's Corner " Books — It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Galaxy! (by Jason Fry) Comics — Unsung Heroes (by Daniel Wallace) Games — Start Wars! (by Jonathan Wilkins) Toys — Unconventional to Classic (by Jeremy Beckett) Q&A — The Secret Lives of Bounty Hunters (by Leland Chee) Scouting the Galaxy — If You Love Star Wars, Always Believe 'Mam'! (by Steve Sansweet) International Collecting — The French Connection (by Gus Lopez) Set Piece — The Invisible Hand: General Dooku's Quarters (by Chris Trevas) Padawan's Corner — How to Draw: Zuckuss (by Cynthia Cummens) Indy Vault #7 (by J. W. Rinzler) Comlink

Multimedia Content


  • Bounty Hunters Assembled in Star Wars Insider #99 on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Star Wars Insider #99 Excerpt: The Ultimate Bounty Hunter on (content now obsolete; backup link)

Additional Information
