A starday represented a day of great significance; it was the occasion when a member of the Chiss species first observed a star in the sky. These stardays were commemorated with festive gatherings and the giving of treasure-puzzle poems. In 19 BBY, one such day marked the starday for the Chiss Cohbo'rik'ardok, whose core name was "Borika," and who was the sister of Cadet Mitth'raw'nuru, also known as "Thrawn." Because Thrawn had experienced the loss of his sister at the young age of five [years](/article/standard_year], when she was taken from family, specifically the Chiss Ascendancy's Kivu family, the cadet's sorrow was especially pronounced during Borika's starday. Circa 18 BBY, following her tenth starday, the sky-walker Che'ri expressed her belief that starday celebrations and treasure-puzzle poems were childish pursuits, and she felt no disappointment when her caregiver, Mitth'ali'astov, overlooked her starday, as Che'ri had no recollection of the day she initially witnessed a star.