Cohbo'rik'ardok, who is best known by her core name "Borika," was originally born as Kivu'rik'ardok and carried the core name "Vurika." She was a female member of the Chiss species. Vurika's birth occurred in 61 BBY. She was born into the lesser Kivu family on the planet of Rentor. In 56 BBY, Vurika was removed from her family to train as a sky-walker navigator. Sky-walkers are Chiss navigators with abilities that enabled them to guide Chiss starships through the dangerous Unknown Regions. Joining the sky-walker corps meant she was cut off from her Kivu family, and she then became known as Rik'ardok. After her special abilities diminished, she joined the Chiss Ascendancy's Irizi ruling family, taking the name Irizi'rik'ardok "Zirika". As an adult, she dedicated herself to working with and instructing sky-walkers at the Seekers program facility located on the astronomical object Thearterra.
Shortly after, she entered into marriage with Bomarmo from the Cohbo family, at which point she took on the name Cohbo'rik'ardok. The married couple made their home on the planet Ool, where they were the owners of the Ardok Ranch. She maintained close ties with the Seekers' Shadehouse, which was a Seekers program facility situated on Ool. In 18 BBY, Caregiver Mitth'ali'astov, known as "Thalias," journeyed to the Ardok Ranch to have a conversation with Borika. Their discussion centered on the training of sky-walkers. Eventually, Thalias revealed the true purpose of her visit: she desired to meet Borika because she was the sibling of Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also known as "Thrawn". Thalias was preparing to go back to Csilla, the Ascendancy's capital planet. Borika then transported her guest to the Ibbian Spaceport, enabling her to board a transport headed back to the capital. Several weeks later, Thalias made another trip to Ool, bringing Che'ri, the sky-walker under her care, with her. This was done to assist Borika and the Seekers program in gaining a more complete understanding of the sky-walkers.
Kivu'rik'ardok, who was given the core name "Vurika," was a female of the Chiss species and a member of the lesser Kivu family. She was born in 61 BBY on the planet of Rentor, which is located in the Unknown Regions and is one of the worlds belonging to the Chiss Ascendancy. In 56 BBY, at the young age of five, Vurika was taken away from her family and became part of the sky-walker corps. This group consisted of young girls possessing abilities referred to as Third Sight. These abilities allowed them to navigate the dangerous space that lay beyond the Ascendancy's borders. As sky-walkers were required to sever all ties with their families upon joining the corps, she became known as Rik'ardok. She left behind her parents and her younger brother, Kivu'raw'nuru, whose core name was "Vurawn," on Rentor. As part of her training, Rik'ardok's memories of her family were erased. Her sibling's parents did not tell him where his sister was for several years, causing him to believe that she had died. Years later, Vurawn joined the ruling Mitth family, becoming Mitth'raw'nuru, known as "Thrawn." He then joined the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. He quickly achieved bridge rank and finally learned about the sky-walker corps, realizing that Vurika had likely become one of its members.

The abilities of most sky-walkers began to fade during their mid-teenage years. This prompted the fleet to conduct tests with them within Ascendancy borders. These tests were conducted in areas where there was no immediate danger associated with travel in hyperspace. The purpose of the tests was to determine if the sky-walkers could still navigate Chiss starships. Rik'ardok's Third Sight eventually diminished, leading her to join the ruling Irizi family and adopt the name Irizi'rik'ardok "Zirika". While most sky-walkers chose to start new lives after joining a family and leaving their former lives as navigators behind, Zirika decided to continue working with the Seekers program.
The Seekers program was designed to train young girls who were selected for the sky-walker corps and prepare them for service in the Expansionary Defense Fleet. As an adult, Zirika was employed at the Thearterra center, which was a Seekers facility situated on the astronomical object known as Thearterra. After Thrawn informed the Mitth Syndic Mitth'ras'safis, known as "Thrass," that he had lost his sister, the syndic began searching for the Chiss officer's sibling. Thrass eventually located Zirika and paid her a visit, compiling a data cylinder containing information about her and the Seekers program.

Some time later, Zirika encountered Bomarmo of the Cohbo family, and the two eloped. As a result, Zirika became a member of Bomarmo's family, adopting the name Cohbo'rik'ardok "Borika". The couple settled on the [Ardok Ranch](/article/ardok_ranch] located on the planet Ool. There, Borika continued her involvement with the Seekers program at the Seekers' Shadehouse, which was situated on the ranch. In 18 BBY, Mitth'ali'astov, known as "Thalias," who was a Chiss Caregiver serving on the Expansionary Defense Fleet heavy cruiser Springhawk, which was under the command of Thrawn, who had risen to the rank of Senior Captain, traveled to Ool to speak with Borika. Upon arriving at the ranch, Thalias inquired about the Seekers' Shadehouse. She learned that this was not its official designation. Because Thalias was not supposed to have knowledge of the program, Borika invited her inside and aimed a charric, which is a handheld Chiss weapon, at her. She instructed the caregiver to present her identification.
Since Thalias did not have any identification, she disclosed that she had once been a sky-walker herself. Borika dismissed this claim, as sky-walkers had not served as caregivers for a century. The caregiver then explained that Mitth Senior Aide Mitth'iv'iklo, also known as "Thivik," had given her Syndic Thrass' data cylinder, handing Borika the device. Because the dates on the cylinder corresponded with those of the syndic's visit, Borika allowed Thalias to continue. The caregiver told her that the Springhawk's sky-walker, Che'ri, had interacted with an alien known as the Magys. This alien had been able to enhance the girl's Third Sight but had also caused her to experience nightmares.

Thalias continued to discuss the Magys and Che'ri with Borika, often looking around the room. This prompted Borika to suggest that the other woman might be remembering the room. She explained that if the caregiver had spent time at the Seeker's Shadehouse during her training, she would have definitely been in the room they were currently in. However, the training records were kept under lock and key. Borika offered to investigate Che'ri's interactions with the alien and suggested that Thalias request a reassignment to Ool. The caregiver declined this offer, as the Ascendancy was on the brink of a civil war. Borika also suggested that Thalias could stay at an inn in the city of Pomprey if she wished to wait for a response from the Seekers program.
Borika evaded Thalias's questions about her lost memories of her training and family. The caregiver then revealed that she had come to Ool for two reasons: to meet Borika and to inform her that she was Thrawn's sister. After verifying this information with Thrass's data, Borika stated that former sky-walkers were not supposed to know about their pasts, as too many girls would have left the program due to homesickness. Thalias deduced that the Seekers program erased the memories of the sky-walkers to eliminate this issue, and Borika informed her that the fading process was not perfect, sometimes leaving glimpses of a sky-walker's earlier life.
Thalias questioned why memories of their training were also erased if the objective was to eliminate the sky-walkers' family attachments, a question Borika could not answer. Shortly after, Thalias received a call from the Springhawk's first officer, Mid Captain Ufsa'mak'ro, known as "Samakro," who requested her immediate return to the capital planet Csilla. Borika offered to take her guest to the [Ibbian Spaceport](/article/ibbian_spaceport], enabling her to catch a [transport](/article/transport] back to Csilla. Before they arrived at the [spaceport](/article/spaceport], the caregiver remarked that it was unfortunate that Borika would not be able to visit the Springhawk and meet Thrawn. This caused Borika to cry and state that there was no point, as her memories of her brother had faded.
Several weeks later, Thalias and Che'ri traveled to Ool and met with Borika. Borika had been given the complete account of Che'ri's interactions with the Magys and their effects on the girl. She assured the pair that the Shadehouse was investigating the matter. Che'ri, not wanting to stay at the ranch, questioned why she could not return to the Springhawk. However, Borika explained that sky-walkers were rare enough and that Che'ri was the most unique of them all. Borika comforted the young girl by saying that what she helped the Shadehouse learn could lead to significant changes for all sky-walkers in the future. This was after Thalias explained that Che'ri needed to tell Borika and the Shadehouse everything about her interactions with the Magys.
Although most sky-walkers left behind their lives as navigators upon joining a Chiss family, Borika chose to return to the Seekers program to assist in training and studying young sky-walkers.
Despite the unusual circumstances surrounding Thalias's arrival at the Ardok Ranch, Borika maintained a cheerful demeanor when greeting her. She also playfully teased Thalias when asked if she had formerly been a member of the Irizi family, inquiring whether Thalias was attempting to compile a list of all former Irizi members, given that Thalias belonged to the Mitth family, who were rivals of the Irizi. As Thalias began to speak, Borika maintained her friendly tone, albeit with a hint of caution. She eventually displayed her full caution by raising a charric at Thalias. Although she did not remember her brother, Borika became emotional at the thought of meeting him.
Cohbo'riki'ardok was first mentioned, though not identified by name, in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, which was the first book in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy. She made her first official appearance in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the final book in the trilogy. This book identified her by the names Cohbo'rik'ardok, Borika, Kivu'rik'ardok, and Irizi'rik'ardok.