
Rentor, a terrestrial world, existed within the Unknown Regions, specifically within the less prominent territories of the Chiss Ascendancy. Despite its location near the Ascendancy's [capital](/article/capital] world, Csilla, it wasn't a significant political or cultural center for the Chiss species. A branch of the Ascendancy's Kivu family resided on Rentor, including Kivu'raw'nuru, whose core name was "Vurawn," and his sister, Kivu'rik'ardok, known as "Vurika."


Within the Chiss Ascendancy nation of the Unknown Regions lay Rentor, a terrestrial planet possessing an atmosphere suitable for breathing by the Chiss species. Although situated in proximity to the Ascendancy's [capital](/article/capital] planet Csilla, Rentor held a position in the more remote areas of the nation and lacked importance as a political or cultural hub.


Kivu'raw'nuru, whose homeworld was Rentor

Around 4300 BBY, following a cataclysm that left much of Csilla's surface uninhabitable, the planet's inhabitants relocated from the capital to other planets within the Ascendancy, Rentor among them. In 56 BBY, Kivu'rik'ardok—"Vurika" by core name—a member of the lesser Kivu family, was selected for sky-walker navigator training and departed from her family and Rentor to become part of the sky-walker corps.

Around 39 BBY, the ruling Mitth family maintained a small presence on Rentor, which included a compound. Mitth'urf'ianico "Thurfian," a Mitth family Syndic, journeyed to Rentor around that year at the request of General Ba'kif of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet to meet with Kivu'raw'nuru "Vurawn," a native of Rentor and Vurika's brother, who was a student at a local academy. Ba'kif believed Vurawn would be a good candidate to join the Mitth through rematching and eventually enter military service. Following his meeting with Vurawn, Thurfian escorted the young man to the Mitth family compound to introduce him to the Patriel responsible for Mitth family matters on Rentor. However, during their journey, Thurfian received word that the family interviews had been canceled and Vurawn had officially been rematched to the Mitth, taking on the name Mitth'raw'nuru "Thrawn."

In 18 BBY, the Ascendancy's Boadil and Irizi families collaborated on a defense platform on Rentor. That same year, during an Ascendancy crisis that almost sparked a civil war, starships of the Clarr family were attacked by the warlike Grysk species' vessels at the Chiss world of Jamiron. Thurfian, who by that time had risen to become the Patriarch of the Mitth, informed Irizi'stal'mustro "Zistalmu," the Irizi Syndic, that he had two patrol ships stationed at Rentor, along with a light cruiser, ready to provide assistance. Nonetheless, the Irizi syndic rejected the offer, stating that the vessels would arrive too late to aid Jamiron.


Around 39 BBY, a branch of the Chiss Kivu family called Rentor home. By 18 BBY, the Irizi, Mitth, and Boadil families each had some presence on the planet. The Cheunh language was spoken by the planet's inhabitants.


An academy, where Vurawn studied around 39 BBY, was situated on the planet. Additionally, a Mitth family compound was present on Rentor by that year.

Behind the scenes

In the current Star Wars canon, Rentor was introduced in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising.

Within current Star Wars canon, Rentor debuted in flashback sequences within Timothy Zahn's 2020 novel, Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, the initial book of The Ascendancy Trilogy. It was initially depicted on a map offered by publisher Del Rey as a bonus for pre-ordering the November 16, 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the trilogy's concluding installment.

The reference book Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition, penned by Pablo Hidalgo and Kristin Baver and published on November 2, 2021, erroneously indicates that Rentor is "imperiled" in Zahn's 2019 novel Thrawn: Treason, even though the planet does not appear in that book. In Star Wars Legends continuity, Rentor was first mentioned in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.

