
Bomarmo was a male Chiss belonging to the Cohbo family within the Chiss Ascendancy, and he was the husband of Cohbo'rik'ardok, whose core name was "Borika." In the year 18 BBY, he and Borika were the proprietors of Ardok Ranch, situated on the planet Ool. This ranch served as a training location for the Seekers' Shadehouse, a specialized institution dedicated to erasing the memories of Chiss sky-walkersyoung girls possessing abilities that aided the Chiss in navigating the space beyond the Ascendancy's territory. Approximately during that year, when Caregiver Mitth'ali'astov, known as "Thalias," arrived at Ardok Ranch seeking to converse with Borika regarding a sky-walker's interactions with an alien entity called The Magys, who possessed the power of precognition, Borika identified herself and made reference to Bomarmo.

Behind the scenes

Timothy Zahn included a mention of Bomarmo in his 2021 book, Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, which represents the concluding installment in The Ascendancy Trilogy.

