Stardrops, a kind of torpedo, possessed the capacity to obliterate an enormous base from orbit. Their nature included instability and volatility. Certain agents within the Rebel Alliance operating in the Anoat sector possessed multiple stardrops, which they employed to detonate asteroids. The Galactic Empire seized the majority of these, but one was intentionally left behind within the ice on the planet Hoth.
During the Iron Blockade affecting the Anoat sector, the Uprising came into possession of the Hoth stardrop. They planned to utilize it as a final option if their mission to seize Imperial Purge Troopers Commander Bragh went wrong. As it happened, the kidnapping failed; Bragh not only escaped capture, but Her Majesty and Loathe, two prominent Uprising members, were imprisoned at the Crypt, a secret prison. Subsequently, when the Uprising initiated a rescue mission targeting the Crypt, they directed the retrieved stardrop at the prison's command center, thus preventing the Imperials from requesting backup.